Source code for shamo.utils.onelab

"""API for `shamo.utils.onelab`."""
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

import gmsh

from .logging import stream_to_logger

LOG_PATTERN = "((?P<level>[\w]*)|(?P<percentage>[ \d]{3}%)) +: (?P<text>.*)"

[docs]@contextmanager def gmsh_open(mesh_path, logger=None): """A context manager where Gmsh is initialized and its output is piped. Parameters ---------- mesh_path : The path to the mesh file to open. logger : logging.Logger, optional The logger to use. (The default is ``None``) """ with stream_to_logger(logger, pattern=LOG_PATTERN): gmsh.initialize() gmsh.option.setNumber("General.Verbosity", 5) gmsh.option.setNumber("General.Terminal", 1) try: yield gmsh finally: gmsh.finalize()
[docs]def read_vector_file(path): """Read a table formatted vector field from GetDP. Parameters ---------- path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the output file. Returns ------- int The data type. np.ndarray The element tags. np.ndarray The values. """ data = np.loadtxt( Path(path), dtype={ "names": ("type", "tag", "x", "y", "z"), "formats": (np.uint8, np.uint, np.float, np.float, np.float), }, usecols=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1), ) return ( np.unique(data["type"])[0], data["tag"], np.vstack((data["x"], data["y"], data["z"])).T, )
[docs]def get_elems_coords(elem_type, elems_tags): """Get the coordinates of specified elements. Parameters ---------- elem_type : int The type of the elements in `elem_tags`. elems_tags : numpy.ndarray The tags of the elements to acquire the coordinates for. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The coordinates of the specified elements. Notes ----- This method must be called inside a Gmsh context. """ coords = [] tags = [] coords = gmsh.model.mesh.getBarycenters(elem_type, -1, False, False) coords = coords.reshape((-1, 3)) tags = gmsh.model.mesh.getElementsByType(elem_type, -1)[0] idx = np.argsort(tags) tags = tags[idx] coords = coords[idx, :] idx = elems_tags - tags[0] coords = coords[idx, :] return coords
[docs]def get_elems_subset(dim, tags, min_dist): """Get a subset of elements based on a minimal distance between them. Parameters ---------- dim : int The dimension of the elements. tags : list [int] The entity tags. min_dist : float The minimal distance between elements. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The elements tags. numpy.ndarray The elements coordinates. """ elems_tags = [] for t in tags: elems_type, ts, _ = gmsh.model.mesh.getElements(dim, t) elems_tags.append(ts) elems_tags = np.hstack(elems_tags) elems_type = elems_type[0] elems_tags = elems_tags[0] coords = get_elems_coords(elems_type, elems_tags) sub_elems_tags = [elems_tags[0]] sub_elems_coords = [coords[0]] while elems_tags.size > 0: dist = cdist([sub_elems_coords[-1]], coords)[0] idx = dist < min_dist elems_tags = np.delete(elems_tags, idx) coords = np.delete(coords, idx, axis=0) dist = np.delete(dist, idx) if elems_tags.size > 0: idx = np.argmin(dist) sub_elems_tags.append(elems_tags[idx]) sub_elems_coords.append(coords[idx]) return sub_elems_tags, sub_elems_coords
[docs]def pos_to_nii(src, dst, affine, shape, mask=None): """Convert a POS file into a NII file. Parameters ---------- src : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the input POS file. dst : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the output NII file. affine : numpy.ndarray The affine matrix of the NII volume. shape : Iterable [float] The shape of the NII volume. mask : numpy.ndarray, optional If not set to ``None``, the mask is applied to the field. Returns ------- nibabel.Nifti1Image The generated NII image. """ # Define axis o = affine @ np.array([-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1]).T u = affine @ np.array([shape[0] - 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1]).T v = affine @ np.array([-0.5, shape[1] - 0.5, -0.5, 1]).T w = affine @ np.array([-0.5, -0.5, shape[2] - 0.5, 1]).T with gmsh_open(src) as gmsh: gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.Binary", 1) # Set plugin parameters gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "X0", o[0]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "Y0", o[1]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "Z0", o[2]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "X1", u[0]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "Y1", u[1]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "Z1", u[2]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "X2", v[0]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "Y2", v[1]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "Z2", v[2]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "X3", w[0]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "Y3", w[1]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "Z3", w[2]) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "Boundary", 0) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "NumPointsU", shape[0] + 1) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "NumPointsV", shape[1] + 1) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("CutBox", "NumPointsW", shape[2] + 1) # Run plugin"CutBox") # Get field data _, n_elems, data = gmsh.view.getListData(1) n_elems = n_elems[0] data = data[0] data = data.reshape((n_elems, -1)) n_vals = int(data[:, 24:].shape[1] / 8) vals = np.zeros((n_elems, n_vals)) for i in range(n_vals): vals[:, i] = np.mean(data[:, 24 + i :: n_vals], axis=1) field = vals.reshape((*shape, n_vals)) if mask is not None: field[~mask, ...] = 0 # Write NII file img = nib.Nifti1Image(field, affine) img.to_filename(Path(dst)) return img