Source code for shamo.utils.geometry

"""Provide geometric utilities."""
import numpy as np

[docs]class Plane3D: """A 3D plane. Parameters ---------- p0 : 3D Coords The first point of the plane. This point will serve as the origin of the coordinates system. p1 : 3D Coords A second point. p2 : 3D Coords A third point. """ def __init__(self, orig, eig1, eig2) -> None: # Set origin self.o = np.array(orig) # Set eigen vectors _e1, _e2 = np.array(eig1), np.array(eig2) self.e1 = _e1 / np.linalg.norm(_e1) self.e2 = _e2 / np.linalg.norm(_e2) # Set normal self.n = np.cross(self.e1, self.e2)
[docs] def dist(self, points): """Return the orthogonal distances from a set of points to the plane.""" return np.apply_along_axis(lambda p: (p - self.o) @ self.n, 1, points)
[docs] def abs_dist(self, points): """Return the absolute distance from a set of points to the plane.""" return np.abs(self.dist(points))
[docs] def to_2d(self, points): """Return the orthogonal projection 2D coordinates of a set of points.""" points = np.array(points) to_orig = lambda p: p - self.o return np.apply_along_axis( lambda p: (to_orig(p) @ self.e1, to_orig(p) @ self.e2), 1, points )
[docs] def to_3d(self, points, dist): """Return a 3D orthogonal projection of the plane points into the 3D space.""" points = np.array(points) return self.o + points[:, 0] * self.e1 + points[:, 1] * self.e2 + dist * self.n