Source code for shamo.hd_tdcs.simulation.single.problem

"""Implement `ProbHDTDCSSim` class."""
import shutil
import os
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

import nibabel as nib

from shamo.core.problems.single import CompGridSampler, CompSensors, ProbGetDP
from shamo.utils.onelab import pos_to_nii

from .solution import SolHDTDCSSim

[docs]class ProbHDTDCSSim(ProbGetDP): """A problem definition to simulate HD-tDCS. Attributes ---------- sigmas : shamo.core.problems.single.CompTissueProp The electrical conductivity of the tissues. references : shamo.core.problems.single.CompSensors The electrodes to use as the references. source : shamo.core.problems.single.CompSensors The electrode to use as the source. current : float The injected current. grid : shamo.core.problems.single.CompGridSampler The grid sampler if the source space must be based on a grid. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.grid = CompGridSampler() self.references = CompSensors() self.source = CompSensors() self.current = 1.0 @property def template(self): """Return the name of the template PRO file. Returns ------- str The name of the template PRO file. """ return "hdtdcs_simulation.tmplt"
[docs] def solve(self, name, parent_path, model, **kwargs): """Simulate HD-tDCS. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the solution. parent_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the parent directory of the solution. model : shamo.fem.FEM The finite element model to solve the problem for. Returns ------- shamo.hd_tdcs.SolHDTDCSSim The simulation results. """ for n, t in model.tissues.items(): self._vol.set(n, with TemporaryDirectory(dir=os.environ.get("SHAMO_TMP_DIR", None)) as d: self._check_components(**model) problem_path = self._gen_pro_file(d, **kwargs, **model) self._run_getdp(model, d) sol = SolHDTDCSSim( name, parent_path, source=self.source["sensors"], references=self.references["sensors"], sigmas=self.sigmas, current=self.current, ) sol["model_json_path"] = str(sol.get_relative_path(model.json_path)) shutil.move(str(problem_path.with_suffix(".pre")), str(sol.path / f"{name}.pre")) shutil.move(str(problem_path.with_suffix(".res")), str(sol.path / f"{name}.res")) shutil.move(str(problem_path), str(sol.path / f"{name}.pro")) for p in Path(d).iterdir(): if p.suffix == ".pos": if self.grid.use_grid: self.grid.nii_from_pos(p, sol.path / f"{name}_{p.stem}.nii.gz") shutil.move(str(p), str(sol.path / f"{name}_{}")) return sol
def _check_components(self, **kwargs): """Check if the components are properly set.""" super()._check_components(**kwargs) self.grid.check("grid", **kwargs) self.source.check("source", **kwargs) self.references.check("references", **kwargs) def _prepare_pro_file_params(self, **kwargs): """Return the parameters required to generate the PRO file. Returns ------- dict [str, ...] The parameters required to generate the PRO file. """ params = super()._prepare_pro_file_params(**kwargs) params.update( { "use_grid": self.grid.to_pro_param(**kwargs), "sources": self.source.to_pro_param(**kwargs), "sinks": self.references.to_pro_param(**kwargs), "current": self.current, } ) return params def _prepare_py_file_params(self, **kwargs): """Return the parameters required to generate the PY file. Returns ------- dict [str, ...] The parameters required to generate the PY file. """ params = super()._prepare_py_file_params(**kwargs) params.update( { "source": self.source.to_py_param(**kwargs), "references": self.references.to_py_param(**kwargs), "current": self.current, "use_grid": self.grid.use_grid, } ) if self.grid.use_grid: params["grid"] = self.grid.to_py_param(**kwargs) return params