Source code for shamo.eeg.leadfield.single.problem

"""Implement the `ProbEEGLeadfield` class."""
import logging
import shutil
import os
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

import h5py
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix

import gmsh
from shamo.core.problems.single import (
from shamo.utils.onelab import (

from .solution import SolEEGLeadfield

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ProbEEGLeadfield(ProbGetDP): """A problem definition to generate the EEG leadfield matrix. Attributes ---------- sigmas : shamo.core.problems.single.CompTissueProp The electrical conductivity of the tissues. markers : shamo.core.problems.single.CompSensors The electrodes to ignore when solving the problem. reference : shamo.core.problems.single.CompSensors The electrode to use as the reference. rois : shamo.core.problems.single.CompTissues The tissues in which the leadfield must be computed. min_elems_dist : float The minimal distance between two elements in the region of interest. elems_path : shamo.core.problems.single.CompFilePath The path to the elements subset. grid : shamo.core.problems.single.CompGridSampler The grid sampler if the source space must be based on a grid. """ _tmp_sort_idx = [] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._source = CompSensors() self.markers = CompSensors() self.reference = CompSensors() self.rois = CompTissues() self.min_elems_dist = 0 self.elems_path = CompFilePath() self.grid = CompGridSampler() @property def template(self): """Return the name of the template PRO file. Returns ------- str The name of the template PRO file. """ return "eeg_leadfield.tmplt"
[docs] def solve(self, name, parent_path, model, **kwargs): """Solve the EEG forward problem and build the leadfield matrix. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the solution. parent_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the parent directory of the solution. model : shamo.fem.FEM The finite element model to solve the problem for. Returns ------- shamo.eeg.SolEEGLeadfield The EEG leafield object. """ for n, t in model.tissues.items(): self._vol.set(n, sensors = list(model.sensors.keys()) for s in sensors: if s not in self.reference["sensors"]: self._source["sensors"] = [s] break with TemporaryDirectory(dir=os.environ.get("SHAMO_TMP_DIR", None)) as d: if self.min_elems_dist > 0: with gmsh_open(model.mesh_path, logger) as gmsh: entities = [] for roi in self.rois["tissues"]: entities.extend(model.tissues[roi].vol.entities) tags, coords = get_elems_subset(3, entities, self.min_elems_dist) np.savez(Path(d) / "source_sp.npz", tags=tags, coords=coords) self.elems_path.set(Path(d) / "source_sp.npz") self._check_components(**model) sensors = self._gen_rhs(model, d) problem_path = self._gen_pro_file( d, **kwargs, **model, active_sensors=sensors ) self._run_getdp(model, d) src = Path(d) / f"{name}.hdf5" if self.elems_path.use_path: elems = np.load(self.elems_path.path) source_sp = [elems["tags"], elems["coords"]] with h5py.File(src, "w") as f: for i, s in enumerate(sensors): if i == 0 and not self.elems_path.use_path: row, source_sp = self._gen_row(i, d, model) else: row, _ = self._gen_row(i, d, model, source_sp) if i == 0: shape = (len(sensors), row.size) data = f.create_dataset( "e_field", shape, dtype="f", compression="lzf", ) data[i, :] = row sol = SolEEGLeadfield( name, parent_path, markers=self.markers["sensors"], reference=self.reference["sensors"], rois=self.rois["tissues"], sensors=sensors, shape=shape, sigmas=self.sigmas, use_grid=self.grid.use_grid, ) sol["model_json_path"] = str(sol.get_relative_path(model.json_path)) shutil.move(str(src), str(sol.matrix_path)) shutil.move(str(problem_path), str(sol.path / f"{name}.pro")) if self.grid.use_grid: source_sp.to_filename(sol.source_sp_path) else: np.savez(sol.source_sp_path, tags=source_sp[0], coords=source_sp[1]) return sol
def _gen_row(self, i, tmp_dir, model, source_sp=None): """Generate a single row of the leadfield matrix. Parameters ---------- i : int The index of the row. tmp_dir : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the temporary directory. model : shamo.FEM The finite element model. source_sp : list [numpy.ndarray], optional The source space. The default is ``None``. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The row of the matrix. source_sp : nibabel.Nifti1Image|tuple [numpy.ndarray] The source space. """ tmp_dir = Path(tmp_dir) if self.grid.use_grid: img = self.grid.nii_from_pos(tmp_dir / f"{i}.pos", tmp_dir / f"{i}.nii.gz") row = img.get_fdata()[self.grid.mask].ravel() if i == 0: source_sp = nib.Nifti1Image( self.grid.mask.astype(np.uint8), self.grid.affine ) else: elem_type, elems_tags, row = read_vector_file(tmp_dir / f"{i}.e") if i == 0 and not self.elems_path.use_path:"Acquiring elements coordinates.") with gmsh_open(model.mesh_path, logger) as gmsh: coords = get_elems_coords(elem_type, elems_tags) source_sp = (elems_tags, coords) elif self.elems_path.use_path: row = self._get_row_for_elems(i, elems_tags, row, source_sp) row = row.ravel() return row, source_sp def _get_row_for_elems(self, i, elems_tags, row, source_sp): """Get a subset of the values. Parameters ---------- i : int The iteration index. elems_tags : numpy.ndarray The elements tags. row : numpy.ndarray The elements values. source_sp : list [numpy.ndarray] The subset of elements to get the values for. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The subset of values. """ if i == 0: mask = np.in1d(elems_tags, source_sp[0], assume_unique=True) idx_tags = np.argsort(elems_tags[mask]) idx_sp = np.argsort(source_sp[0]) self._tmp_sort_idx = [mask, idx_tags, idx_sp] row = row[self._tmp_sort_idx[0]] new_row = np.zeros((source_sp[0].size, 3)) new_row[self._tmp_sort_idx[2]] = row[self._tmp_sort_idx[1]] return new_row def _check_components(self, **kwargs): """Check if the components are properly set.""" super()._check_components(**kwargs) self._source.check("source", **kwargs) self.reference.check("reference", **kwargs) self.rois.check("region of interest", **kwargs) self.elems_path.check("elements path", **kwargs) self.grid.check("grid", **kwargs) if self.elems_path.use_path and self.grid.use_grid: raise RuntimeError( "Both 'elems_path' and 'grid' are set. Only one of them is allowed." ) def _prepare_pro_file_params(self, **kwargs): """Return the parameters required to generate the PRO file. Returns ------- dict [str, ...] The parameters required to generate the PRO file. """ params = super()._prepare_pro_file_params(**kwargs) params.update( { "rois": self.rois.to_pro_param(**kwargs), "sources": self._source.to_pro_param(**kwargs), "sinks": self.reference.to_pro_param(**kwargs), "n_sensors": len(kwargs.get("active_sensors", {})) - 1, "use_grid": self.grid.to_pro_param(**kwargs), } ) return params def _prepare_py_file_params(self, **kwargs): """Return the parameters required to generate the PY file. Returns ------- dict [str, ...] The parameters required to generate the PY file. """ params = super()._prepare_py_file_params(**kwargs) params.update( { "rois": self.rois.to_py_param(**kwargs), "reference": self.reference.to_py_param(**kwargs), "markers": self.markers.to_py_param(**kwargs), "use_elems_path": self.elems_path.use_path, "use_grid": self.grid.use_grid, } ) if self.elems_path.use_path: params["elems_path"] = self.elems_path.to_py_param(**kwargs) if self.grid.use_grid: params["grid"] = self.grid.to_py_param(**kwargs) return params def _gen_rhs(self, model, tmp_dir): """Generate the right hand sides for the problem. Parameters ---------- model : shamo.FEM The finite element model. tmp_dir : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the temporary directory. Returns ------- list [str] The names of the active sensors. """"Generating right hand sides.") with gmsh_open(model.mesh_path, logger) as gmsh: n_nodes = gmsh.model.mesh.getNodes()[0].size ref_row_idx = model.sensors[self.reference["sensors"][0]].node - 1 sensors = [] i = 0 for n, s in model.sensors.items(): if n not in self.reference["sensors"] and n not in self.markers["sensors"]: rhs = csc_matrix( ((1, -1), ((s.node - 1, ref_row_idx), (0, 0))), shape=(n_nodes, 1),, ) np.savetxt(Path(tmp_dir) / f"{i}.rhs", rhs.toarray(), fmt="%d") sensors.append(n) i += 1 return sensors