Source code for shamo.core.surrogate.masked_scalar

from abc import abstractclassmethod

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np

from shamo.core.surrogate import SurrScalar

[docs]class SurrMaskedScalar(SurrScalar): """Generate a Gaussian process from a set of scalar training data. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the generated surrogate model. parent_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the parent directory of the surrogate model. Other Parameters ---------------- params : list [tuple [str, shamo.DistABC]] A list of tuples containing the names of the parameters and the corresponding distributions as values. sol_json_path : str The path to the parametric solution the surrogate is built of. is_sobol_available : bool If ``True``, Sobol indices are already available. suffix : str The suffix appended to the queried files. See Also -------- shamo.core.surrogate.SurrScalar """ def __init__(self, name, parent_path, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, parent_path, **kwargs) self.update({"suffix": kwargs.get("suffix", "")})
[docs] @classmethod def fit(cls, name, parent_path, sol, **kwargs): """Generate a Gaussian process from a set of training data. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the generated surrogate model. parent_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the parent directory of the surrogate model. sol : The parametric solution to generate a surrogate model for. Returns ------- shamo.Surrogate The generated surrogate model. Other Parameters ---------------- kernel : sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels.Kernel The kernel used to generate the Gaussian process. n_restarts_optimizer : int The number of restarts for the optimisation step. random_state : int The seed for the random state. alpha : float The added diagonal to account for noise on training points. n_proc : int The number of jobs to run in parallel. ``None`` means 1 job runs at a time and ``-1`` means all cores are used. metric : func The metric to compute. suffix : str The suffix to append to the file query. See Also -------- sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor """ surr = super().fit(name, parent_path, sol, **kwargs) surr["suffix"] = kwargs.get("suffix", "") return surr
@classmethod def _get_data(cls, sol, suffix="", metric=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Extract relevant data from a parametric solution. Parameters ---------- sol : The parametric solution to generate a surrogate model for. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The coordinates of the training points in the parameter space. Each row represents an evaluation. numpy.ndarray The observations of the actual model at each coordinate from `x`. Each row represents an observation. list [tuple [str, shamo.DistABC]] A list of tuples containing the names of the parameters and the corresponding distributions as values. Other Parameters ---------------- suffix : str The suffix to append to the queried files. metric : func A function to run on the masked data. It must take one parameter. mask : numpy.ndarray The mask to apply to the data. See Also -------- shamo.core.surrogate.SurrABC """ x = [] y = [] for s in sol.get_sub_sols(): x.append(sol.get_x(s)) y.append(metric(cls._get_masked_data(s, suffix, mask))) x = np.array(x).reshape((len(x), -1)) y = np.array(y).reshape((len(y),)) return x, y, sol.get_params() @abstractclassmethod def _get_masked_data(cls, sol, suffix, mask): """Return a linear array containing the masked data. Parameters ---------- sol : A solution. suffix : str The suffix appended to the filename without the extension. mask : numpy.ndarray A boolean numpy array used to mask the data. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The masked data. """
[docs]class SurrMaskedScalarNii(SurrMaskedScalar): """Generate a Gaussian process from a set of scalar training data. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the generated surrogate model. parent_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the parent directory of the surrogate model. Other Parameters ---------------- params : list [tuple [str, shamo.DistABC]] A list of tuples containing the names of the parameters and the corresponding distributions as values. sol_json_path : str The path to the parametric solution the surrogate is built of. is_sobol_available : bool If ``True``, Sobol indices are already available. suffix : str The suffix appended to the queried files. See Also -------- shamo.core.surrogate.SurrMaskedScalar """
[docs] @classmethod def fit(cls, name, parent_path, sol, **kwargs): """Generate a Gaussian process from a set of training data. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the generated surrogate model. parent_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the parent directory of the surrogate model. sol : The parametric solution to generate a surrogate model for. Returns ------- shamo.Surrogate The generated surrogate model. Other Parameters ---------------- kernel : sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels.Kernel The kernel used to generate the Gaussian process. n_restarts_optimizer : int The number of restarts for the optimisation step. random_state : int The seed for the random state. alpha : float The added diagonal to account for noise on training points. n_proc : int The number of jobs to run in parallel. ``None`` means 1 job runs at a time and ``-1`` means all cores are used. metric : func The metric to compute. suffix : str The suffix to append to the file query. mask : nibabel.Nifti1Image A NIFTI image to use as a mask. See Also -------- sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor """ mask = kwargs.pop("mask") data = mask.get_fdata().astype(bool) surr = super().fit(name, parent_path, sol, mask=data, **kwargs) mask.to_filename(surr.path / f"{}_mask.nii.gz") return surr
@classmethod def _get_masked_data(cls, sol, suffix, mask): """Return a linear array containing the masked data. Parameters ---------- sol : A solution. suffix : str The suffix appended to the filename without the extension. mask : numpy.ndarray A boolean numpy array used to mask the data. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The masked data. """ img = nib.load(sol.path / f"{}_{suffix}.nii.gz") return img.get_fdata()[mask]