Source code for

"""Implement the `SurrABC` class."""
from abc import abstractclassmethod
import pickle

from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Matern, ConstantKernel
from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputRegressor

from shamo.core.objects import ObjDir
from shamo import DistABC

[docs]class SurrABC(ObjDir): """Generate a Gaussian process from a set of training data. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the generated surrogate model. parent_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the parent directory of the surrogate model. Other Parameters ---------------- params : list [tuple [str, shamo.DistABC]] A list of tuples containing the names of the parameters and the corresponding distributions as values. sol_json_path : str The path to the parametric solution the surrogate is built of. """ def __init__(self, name, parent_path, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, parent_path) self.update( { "params": [[n, DistABC.load(**d)] for n, d in kwargs.get("params", [])], "sol_json_path": kwargs.get("sol_json_path", None), } ) @property def gp_path(self): """Return the path of the Gaussian process file. Returns ------- pathlib.Path The path of the Gaussian process file. """ return self.path / f"{}.gp" @property def sol_json_path(self): return (self.path / self["sol_json_path"]).resolve() @property def params(self): """Return the parameters of the surrogate model. Returns ------- list [tuple [str, shamo.DistABC]] A list of tuples containing the names of the parameters and the corresponding distributions as values. """ return self["params"] @abstractclassmethod def _check_params(cls, **kwargs): """Check if the parameters are properly set. Notes ----- This method must be implemented to be able to generate a surrogate model. """ @abstractclassmethod def _get_data(cls, sol, **kwargs): """Extract relevant data from a parametric solution. Parameters ---------- sol : The parametric solution to generate a surrogate model for. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The coordinates of the training points in the parameter space. Each row represents an evaluation. numpy.ndarray The observations of the actual model at each coordinate from `x`. Each row represents an observation. list [tuple [str, shamo.DistABC]] A list of tuples containing the names of the parameters and the corresponding distributions as values. Notes ----- This method must be implemented to be able to generate a surrogate model. """
[docs] @classmethod def fit(cls, name, parent_path, sol, **kwargs): """Generate a Gaussian process from a set of training data. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the generated surrogate model. parent_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the parent directory of the surrogate model. sol : The parametric solution to generate a surrogate model for. Returns ------- shamo.Surrogate The generated surrogate model. Other Parameters ---------------- kernel : sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels.Kernel The kernel used to generate the Gaussian process. n_restarts_optimizer : int The number of restarts for the optimisation step. random_state : int The seed for the random state. alpha : float The added diagonal to account for noise on training points. n_proc : int The number of jobs to run in parallel. ``None`` means 1 job runs at a time and ``-1`` means all cores are used. See Also -------- sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor """ cls._check_params(**kwargs) x, y, params = cls._get_data(sol, **kwargs) kernel = kwargs.get( "kernel", ConstantKernel() * Matern(length_scale=[1.0] * len(params), nu=2.5), ) n_restarts_optimizer = kwargs.get("n_restarts_optimizer", 0) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", 0) alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 1e-10) if y.ndim > 1 and y.shape[1] > 1: gp = MultiOutputRegressor( GaussianProcessRegressor( kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=n_restarts_optimizer, random_state=random_state, normalize_y=True, alpha=alpha, ), n_jobs=kwargs.get("n_proc", None), ).fit(x, y) else: gp = GaussianProcessRegressor( kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=n_restarts_optimizer, random_state=random_state, normalize_y=True, alpha=alpha, ).fit(x, y) surr = cls(name, parent_path, params=params) surr["sol_json_path"] = str(surr.get_relative_path(sol.json_path)) pickle.dump(gp, open(surr.gp_path, "wb")) return surr
[docs] def get_gp(self): """Load the Gaussian process. Returns ------- sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor The Gaussian process. """ return pickle.load(open(self.gp_path, "rb"))
[docs] def predict(self, x, **kwargs): """Evaluate the Gaussian process on new points. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray The coordinates of the evaluation points in the parameter space. Each row represents an evaluation. Notes ----- To change the behaviour of this method, one should subclass `Surrogate` and change the `_post_pro` method. """ gp = self.get_gp() # MultiOutputRegressor does not pass any parameter to each estimator so it is # not possible to obtain the standard deviation for this type of regressor. if isinstance(gp, MultiOutputRegressor): y_mean = gp.predict(x) y_std = None else: y_mean, y_std = gp.predict(x, return_std=True) return self._post_pro(x, y_mean, y_std, **kwargs)
def _post_pro(self, x, y_mean, y_std, **kwargs): """Applies a post-processing operation to the predictions. Parameters ---------- numpy.ndarray The evaluation points. numpy.ndarray The evaluations mean. numpy.ndarray The evaluations standard deviations. Notes ----- This method should be modified to apply post-processing operations. """ return y_mean, y_std