Source code for shamo.core.problems.single.getdp

"""Implement the `ProbGetDP` class."""
import logging
import re
from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT, CalledProcessError, Popen

import numpy as np
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

from shamo.utils.logging import subprocess_to_logger
from shamo.utils.onelab import LOG_PATTERN

from .abc import ProbABC
from .components.tissue_property import CompTissueProp

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ProbGetDP(ProbABC): """A base class for any GetDP problem. Attributes ---------- sigmas : shamo.core.problems.single.CompTissueProp The electrical conductivity of the tissues. See Also -------- shamo.core.problems.single.ProbABC """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._vol = CompTissueProp() self.sigmas = CompTissueProp() @abstractproperty def template(self): """Return the name of the template PRO file. Returns ------- str The name of the template PRO file. """ def _prepare_pro_file_params(self, **kwargs): """Return a dict filled with all the required parameters to generate a PY file. Returns ------- dict [str, Any] The dict filled with all the required parameters. """ return { "vol": self._vol.to_pro_param(**kwargs), "sigmas": self.sigmas.to_pro_param(name="sigma", **kwargs), } def _check_components(self, **kwargs): """Check if all the components are properly set.""" self._vol.check("regions", **kwargs) self.sigmas.check("sigmas", **kwargs) @abstractmethod def _prepare_py_file_params(self, **kwargs): """Return a dict filled with all the required parameters to generate a PRO file. Returns ------- dict [str, Any] The dict filled with all the required parameters. """ return {"sigmas": self.sigmas.to_py_param(**kwargs)} def _gen_pro_file(self, tmp_dir, **kwargs): """Generate the PRO file based on the template. Parameters ---------- tmp_dir : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the directory the PRO file must be created in. Returns ------- pathlib.Path The path to the temporary problem file. """"Generating problem file.") env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("shamo", "templates/pro")) template = env.get_template(self.template) content = template.render(**self._prepare_pro_file_params(**kwargs)) logger.debug(content) with open(Path(tmp_dir) / "", "w") as f: f.write(content) return Path(tmp_dir) / "" def _run_getdp(self, model, tmp_dir): """Run GetDP to solve the PRO file. Parameters ---------- model : shamo.fem.FEM The model to solve the problem for. tmp_dir : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the directory the PRO file must be created in. Raises ------ CalledProcessError If GetDP exits with a wrong exit code. """ cmd = [ "getdp", "", "-msh", str(model.mesh_path.resolve()), "-solve", "res", "-bin", "-v2", ]"Running GetDP with command: {' '.join(cmd)}") process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, cwd=tmp_dir) exitcode = subprocess_to_logger(process, logger, logging.INFO, LOG_PATTERN) if exitcode != 0: raise CalledProcessError(exitcode, cmd)