Source code for shamo.core.problems.single.components.tissue_property

"""Implement the `CompTissueProp` class."""
import logging

from .abc import CompABC

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CompTissueProp(CompABC): """Store information about a tissue property."""
[docs] def check(self, name, **kwargs): """Check if the tissue property is properly set. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the property. Raises ------ RuntimeError If no property is set for an existing tissue. If a field set for a tissue does not exist. Other Parameters ---------------- tissues : dict [str, shamo.Tissue] The tissues of the model. """"Checking tissue property '{name}'.") tissues = kwargs.get("tissues", {}) for t in tissues.keys(): if t not in self: raise RuntimeError(f"No property value for tissue '{t}'.") for t, p in self.items(): if p[1] is not None and p[1] not in tissues[t].fields: raise RuntimeError(f"No field '{p[1]}' in tissue '{t}'.")
[docs] def to_pro_param(self, name="", **kwargs): """Return the parameters required to generate the PRO file. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the property. Returns ------- list [dict [str, float|str]] The tissue properties. Other Parameters ---------------- tissues : dict [str, shamo.Tissue] The tissues of the model. Notes ----- If a field was set for the property of a tissue, its formula is fed with all the named parameters and evaluated to produce the expression. """ params = [] tissues = kwargs.get("tissues", {}) prop = {name: {t: p[0] for t, p in self.items()}} for t, p in self.items(): if p[1] is None: params.append({"tissue": t, "prop": p[0]}) else: params.append( { "tissue": t, "prop": tissues[t].fields[p[1]].gen_formula(**prop, **kwargs), } ) return params
[docs] def to_py_param(self, **kwargs): """Return the parameters required to generate the PY file. Returns ------- list [dict [str, str|float]] The tissue properties. Notes ----- Each element of the list is formatted as ``{"tissue": name, "prop": value, "field": field_name}``. """ return [{"tissue": t, "prop": p[0], "field": p[1]} for t, p in self.items()]
[docs] def set(self, tissue, prop, field=None): """Set the property for a tissue. Parameters ---------- tissue : str The name of the tissue. prop : float The value of the property. field : str, optional The name of the field associated. """ self[tissue] = [prop, field]
[docs] def sets(self, props): """Set multiple properties at once. Parameters ---------- props : dict [str, float] The properties of the tissues. """ for t, p in props.items(): self[t] = [p, None]