Source code for shamo.core.problems.parametric.components.tissue_property

"""Implement `CompParamTissueProp` class."""
from shamo.core.distributions import DistABC
from shamo.core.problems.single import CompTissueProp

[docs]class CompParamTissueProp(CompTissueProp): """Store information about a random tissue property."""
[docs] def to_param(self, name="", **kwargs): """Return the fixed and varying parameters separately. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the property. Returns ------- list [list [str, list [float, str | None]]] The fixed parameters. list [list [str, list [shamo.DistABC, str | None]]] The varying parameters. """ fixed = [] varying = [] for t, p in self.items(): if name != "": t = f"{name}.{t}" if p[0].dist_type == DistABC.TYPE_CONSTANT: fixed.append([t, [p[0].val, p[1]]]) else: varying.append([t, p]) return fixed, varying