Source code for

"""Implement the `ObjABC` class."""
from abc import ABC, abstractclassmethod, abstractproperty
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ObjABC(dict, ABC): """A base class for any savable/loadable object. All the main object can be saved to/loaded from human readable JSON files to make it easily compatible with BIDS standars and simplify interactions with other scripts. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the object. parent_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the parent directory of the object. Raises ------ TypeError If argument `name` is not a `str`. If argument `parent_path` is not a `str`, `byte` or `os.PathLike`. """ def __init__(self, name, parent_path): super().__init__() if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError(f"Argument 'name' expects type str, not {type(name)}.") self._name = name self._parent_path = Path(parent_path) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the object. Returns ------- str The name of the object. """ return self._name @property def parent_path(self): """Return the path to the parent directory of the object. Returns ------- pathlib.Path The path to the parent directory of the object. """ return self._parent_path @abstractproperty def path(self): """Return the path to the object. Returns ------- pathlib.Path The path to the object. """ @abstractproperty def json_path(self): """Return the path to the object JSON file. Returns ------- pathlib.Path The path to the object JSON file. """ pass
[docs] def save(self, exist_ok=True): """Save the object to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- exist_ok : bool, optional If set to ``True``, any already existing object is overriden. Otherwise, if the object already exists, a `FileExistsError`. The default is ``True``. Raises ------ FileExistsError If `exist_ok` is set to ``False`` and the object already exists. TypeError If any of the keys/values to be stored is not a `str`, `int`, `float`, `bool` or ``None``. """ self.parent_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not exist_ok and self.json_path.exists(): raise FileExistsError( ( f"File '{str(self.json_path)}' already exists. " "If you want to override it, set argument 'exist_ok' to True." ) ) with open(self.json_path, "w") as f: json.dump(self, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
@abstractclassmethod def _split_json_path(cls, json_path): """Return the path and the name of the object from the path of the JSON file. Parameters ---------- json_path : pathlib.Path The path to the JSON file containing the object data. Returns ------- str The name of the object. pathlib.Path The path to the parent directory of the object. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, json_path): """Load an object from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- json_path : str, byte or os.PathLike The path to the JSON file containing the object data. Raises ------ TypeError If argument `json_path` is not a `str`, `byte` or `os.PathLike`. """ json_path = Path(json_path) if not json_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File '{str(json_path)}' does not exist.") if not json_path.suffix == ".json": raise ValueError(f"Argument 'json_path' must end with '.json'.") with open(json_path, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) return cls(*cls._split_json_path(json_path), **data)