Source code for

"""Implement the `Group` class."""
from import Iterable
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Group(dict): """A FEM physical group. Parameters ---------- dim : int The dimension of the group. Can be one of `DIM_POINT`, `DIM_LINE`, `DIM_SURF` or `DIM_VOL`. entities : int or Iterable [int] The tags of the entities composing the physical group. group : int The physical group tag. Raises ------ ValueError If argument `dim` is not convertible to `int`. If an element of argument `entities` is not convertible to `int`. If argument `group` is not convertible to `int`. """ DIM_POINT = 0 DIM_LINE = 1 DIM_SURF = 2 DIM_VOL = 3 def __init__(self, dim, entities, group): if not isinstance(entities, Iterable): entities = [entities] super().__init__( {"dim": int(dim), "entities": entities, "group": int(group),} ) @property def dim(self): """Return the dimension of the physical group. Returns ------- int The dimension of the physical group. """ return self["dim"] @property def entities(self): """Return the tags of the entities composing the physical group. Returns ------- set [int] The tags of the entities composing the physical group. """ return self["entities"] @property def n_entities(self): """Return the number of entities composing the physical group. Returns ------- int The number of entities composing the physical group. """ return len(self.entities) @property def group(self): """Return the tag of the physical group. Returns ------- int The tag of the physical group. """ return self["group"]